Fancy joining in with a blog spring clean? Sign up for the PBN ‘Big Clean 2016’ to get your blog in tip top shape and give yourself a motivation boost in just 10 days.
Many people make New Year’s Resolutions but I think January is more a time for hibernating on the sofa with hot chocolate and something good on the TV. For me an April Spring Clean is the way to go. When the weather starts perking up, the bulbs are flowering and the kids head back to school after the Easter holiday I always get a surge of enthusiasm for blogging, tidying, exercising and just life in general.
This year I’ll be sharing my annual blog blitz with PBN readers, taking you through a bit of a blog MOT. We all know that writing your posts is only half the story when it comes to blogging but it’s easy to forget those little jobs that keep everything running smoothly and let you really make the most of the opportunities blogging brings. When did you last update your media kit? Have you checked your records on Webmaster Tools recently?
Sign up for the PBN Big Clean 2016 below and starting on Monday 18th April (so we can all get the kids off to school and recover from the Easter hols a little!) you’ll get:
- 10 daily emails each talking you through a task that will help keep your blog spick and span
- Downloadable worksheets (don’t worry, nothing too strenuous)
- Printable checklists
- Links to helpful resources
- Lots of encouragement from a team of sparkle-clad cheerleaders (ok, not strictly true but working together is a great way to stay motivated!)
Sound good? Just register your email address below before 18th April and wait for the daily tasks to drop into your inbox. I can’t wait to get started!
Once you’ve subscribed why not let other bloggers know you’re taking part with a tweet? The more the merrier!
I’m afraid Big Clean 2016 has now started so you can no longer sign up. I’f you’d like to know when we next run a course like this make sure you subscribe to our newsletter via the widget in the sidebar and you’ll be the first to know what’s coming up on PBN.
Ali Clifford says
Done ! great idea
Emma T says
Good idea. I try and tidy mine as I go and get errors. I know the bits I need to sort out but don’t have the technical knowhow to do them.
Jane Batt says
Have subscribed and love the idea of a spring clean. Whether I manage to keep up is a different matter though with the first day of children back to school today and all the work Ive had to out off until now!